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Target Renewable Energy Share by 2040
Series " RE Target Share of Power Generation (2040)" Legend Entry
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Installed Rooftop Solar
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Target Renewable Energy Share by 2040
Series " RE Target Share of Power Generation (2040)" Legend Entry
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Fixed Rate
The chart shows the solar fixed rate of P6.00 (example rate) and the annual expected 3% price increase of MERALCO per kWh, starting from P11.29/kWh at year 1. Average Savings is 47% to 59% from Year 1 to Year 10 and 60% to 70% from Year 11 to Year 20.
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Discount of Tariff
This graph is a representation of discount of tariff for 12 months only. Discount rate is 30% for the entire PPA. Based on the latest MERALCO grid price to the end users, which may vary from month to month. The Discount of Tariff option gives the customer a hedge in case prices of MERALCO decline. Savings remain steady at 30% at all times. Floor price is at P3.50.
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Total EPC - Engineering Procurement Constructions
Engineering, Procurement and Construction is used for providing end-to-end solar services. It means the developer will do the designing, engineering and procuring components for, and constructing photovoltaic system (PVS) specifically designed to generate renewable energy from solar power
PPA - Power Purchase Agreement
Power purchase agreement (PPA) is a financial agreement where a developer arranges for the design, permitting, financing and installation of a solar energy system on a customer’s property at little to no cost. The developer sells the power generated to the host customer at a fixed rate that is typically lower than the local utility’s retail rate. This lower electricity price serves to offset the customer’s purchase of electricity from the grid while the developer receives the income from these sales of electricity as well as any tax credits and other incentives generated from the system. PPAs typically range from 15 to 25 years and the developer remains responsible for the operation and maintenance of the system for the duration of the agreement. At the end of the PPA contract term, a customer may be able to extend the PPA, have the developer remove the system or choose to buy the solar energy system from the developer.

Solar Panels
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are made up of many solar cells. Solar cells are made of silicon, like semiconductors. They are constructed with a positive layer and a negative layer, which together create an electric field, just like in a battery. Solar panels collect clean renewable energy in the form of sunlight and convert that light into electricity which can then be used to provide power for electrical loads.
Integrated Solar Lamp Post
Solar lamp post are raised light sources which are powered by solar panels generally mounted on the lighting structure or integrated into the pole itself. The solar integrated streetlights are built with solar panel, lithium ion battery LED and controller to light up streets, walkway, highways and even sidewalks during night time.